Sunday, February 27, 2005


I woke up at least twice in the night to the sound of a foghorn in the distance ... not sure if it might be Fisgard Light or Race Rocks, I'll have to check that out. I got up this morning looking forward to being in the fog, but it has pretty much dissipated, at least in our little corner of the harbour. I'm reminded of an 'anonymous' poem I read once that starts like this... "If once you have slept on an island, you'll never be quite the same..." I can't remember the rest of it now, but it mentions foghorns, and I've always felt they go right 'to the bone' when I hear them. Unbelievable how our government has silenced them now on many of the lightstations!


At 1:50 PM, Blogger Pawpaw said...

I'm a landlubber, but love small boats. Some of my favorite times were spent around the water, either fishing or hunting, or just relaxing. We spent our last vacation on the water, listening to the waves adjusting the island we slept on.

Adding you to my favorites list.


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