And finally ....
In September we had to 'haul out' our boat to clean and paint the bottom ...
But now that you've seen Michael's bottom you might as well see the rest of him...
Hauling out was a nightmare. It's very nerve-wracking no matter when or where you do this process, but, to make matters worse, we took it to Goldstream Boathouse, where the owners and staff have a GREAT deal to learn about customer service. And I'm being NICE when I say that, but I don't want to get sued for libel. Suffice to say we could hardly wait to get back in the water, because we had a 3-week Gulf Islands cruise planned!
We needed a change of scenery...
We spent time in Todd Inlet, Bedwell Harbour on S. Pender Island, Saltspring Island, and on Mayne and on Saturna this year -- it was lovely!
It's always nice to get away, but equally nice to get home....
Spent October getting settled in for the winter .. and it's a good thing we did, because in November....
And our final highlight of the year has always been decorating the Wind Walker, and participating in the annual Lighted Boats parade.